Outlook Express Scripts

A set of scripts for use with Outlook Express 4.0a or later, by Dan Crevier.

Included Scripts

Color -> Black/Blue/Green/Red
Sets the color of the selected messages
DB Stats
Gives statistics of how many messages and folders there are
Duplicate Messages
Duplicates the selected messages
Finger Sender
Fingers the sender of the selected messages using Peter Lewis' Finger 1.5.
Grab selected Emailer messages
Imports the selected messages from Emailer 2.x to Outlook Express
Import all Emailer messages
Imports all of the messages from Emailer into Outlook Express
Insert Explorer URL
Inserts the URL of the page currently being browsed in IE into an outgoing OE message
Move messages to Emailer
Imports the selected messages from Outlook Express into Emailer's inbox
Permanently Delete Messages
Deletes the selected messages and compacts the folder they were in, based on a script by Will Mayall
Resend Messages
Opens up draft message windows for the selected previously send messages to resend them
Save Selection...
Saves the selected text into a text file
Unsubscribes from the mailing list of the current message, if it supports the unsubscribe header, based on an Emailer script by Will Mayall


To install the scripts, drag them into Outlook Express' Script Menu Items folder and restart Outlook Express.


You can download the scripts from ftp://ftp.boingo.com/dan/OEScripts.hqx.